Wednesday, February 1, 2012

16 weeks old

  If you had told me when I was 6 months pregnant, on strict bedrest, seeing the doctor every week, that I would look back when my baby was 4 months and say that time has gone by too fast I would have told you you were crazy. But here I sit, with my little guy being 4 months, thinking that the time has gone by too fast.

  It has been such a journey to arrive at this place in my life. After many miscarriages, fertility treatments, heartache and disappointment, a trying pregnancy and a horrible delivery, we are here. My Hayden Bug is 16 weeks today and life couldn't be better. I have a husband who loves me and who treats me with respect. I have a son who is the love of my life and the most handsome little guy ever. God has indeed blessed me so much.

  Currently Hayden is trying to sit-up on his own. He is so funny. He tries to sit-up when he is in his bouncy seat and then gets so mad when he can't do it on his own. lol He is also trying to crawl!! I KNOW!! He's learning how to use his legs to scooch across the ground and is learning that if he moves his arms at the same time he can go places. I can't believe it!!

  He LOVES to "talk" to us. (Takes after his NaNa :p) He is constantly making little noises and squealing to show his delight. Smiles and laughs come a lot more easily these days. We don't have to work as hard to get them anymore. The first time Hayden laughed my heart melted. There is no better sound than hearing you child giggle and laugh.

1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures where he's talking. You are in trouble when he starts to say real words. Keep talking to him and it won't be long and he'll be saying real words. He is getting so big. Love him.
