Tuesday, February 14, 2012

♥ Day

  Today I have been married to my best friend for 4 months. :) I think he planned it that way. ;) I can't imagine living my life without him. Daniel has been my rock through some of the worst times I think anyone can go through. We have been through so much that would rip a couple apart and yet everything has just driven us closer together. He is my best friend, my lover, the father of our handsome son, my rock, my shoulder to cry on. Who could wish for anyone better?? I am so grateful God has brought him into my life and every day I am in awe that I get to share the rest of my life with him!

Here is our story. Enjoy!!
  For those of you who don't know Daniel surprised me with a wedding. :) 
   It all started back in Sept when we decided it was time for us to apply for a marriage license. We had been talking about it for quite some time and finally broke down and did it. We were talking about how we wanted to go about it and who we would like to be there, when about 2 weeks after we applied he turned to me and asked if he could plan it all. At this point I already felt like I was married to him so the whole certificate of marriage was just a piece of paper and I didn't want a big ceremony anyway so I said sure.
    He often teased me that he was going to have a priest come in and marry us while I was in labor. Of course that got him death glares. :) HAHA! Time went by, we had other things on our mind, and the day came for Hayden to be born (another story in itself). I had completely forgotten all about the marriage license that had been sitting on our kitchen shelf for over a month. Hayden was born on a Wednesday night and on Friday morning Daniel and I were having breakfast when my favorite nurse came into the room and asked Daniel if she could see him because there was something wrong with the birth certificate. I was truly freaking out. When Daniel came back into the room I peppered him with questions and he just replied, "They wanted to make sure my middle name was spelled right."
  I was discharged that morning but unfortunately Hayden had to stay in the hospital one more night so they told me I could stay until he got to go home but I had to move to a smaller room. I was okay with this. The nurses said that they would move me while Daniel and I were taking a walk. (This was all a ploy to gets us out of the room)
  Here's where it gets interesting. Daniel had me take a shower, the first one since Tuesday night (THE MOST GLORIOUS SHOWER I HAVE EVER TAKEN!!) and the whole time he was rushing me. I couldn't figure out what was so important. I finally got ready, wearing a Nickelback t-shirt (always said they would be involved in my wedding), black yoga pants, and flower slippers, because my feet were too swollen to even fit in my flip-flops. Daniel and I walked down to the cafeteria to get him a soda and then on our way back he asked if we could take a detour. We ended up in the new part of the hospital and in front of the chapel doors. When they opened the doors I saw a pastor standing at the front and people Daniel worked with standing up and the nurses from the L&D floor.
  I immediately started crying. I kept asking why he couldn't wait until my hormones were more under control. lol It was so beautiful. It wasn't the most ideal ceremony but my son was there to celebrate the moment Daniel and I said "I do".

  Immediately after the ceremony the nurses stuck me in a wheelchair and told Daniel to follow. We had no idea what was going on. Turns out the nurses got together with a few different departments at the hospital and put together a little reception for us. :)

   The nurse who had come into the room earlier in the day was talking to Daniel about the wedding!! He had kept it pretty hush hush and she was mad he hadn't told them. :) We had cake and music and friends there. It was a very perfect day!

  Today is Hayden's first Valentine's Day!! :) That little boy is so incredibly loved! He is showered with love from all over the US. From his NaNa and PawPaw to his Sister, Sam, to his "Aunties" and "Uncles". I am so thankful God has put such loving and caring people into my son's life. I can't wait until he wakes up this morning so I can shower him in hugs and kisses from all of our "Family".


  1. <3.....you are a blessed family!! Love the story, no matter how many times I hear or read that it still brings tears to my eyes!!! Love you ALL!!
