Sunday, February 19, 2012

Nothing really new

  Nothing really new to report. :) Hayden is doing fabulous as always. :) He has started to put himself to sleep sometimes. Which is really nice. :) We don't always have to rock him to sleep. Which save our back some pain. :)

He played so hard he put himself to sleep. And yes, he is covered with a burp rag. lol

   Haddy is now on 3 different veggies. Sweet potatoes, carrots, and squash. And he LOVES his food. We were in Barnes and Noble the other day and every time I would give him a bite he would make little "mmm" sounds. A little girl sitting near us thought it was the greatest thing and kept laughing at him.

  In general he is a pretty happy baby. He smiles and laughs at everyone. The only time he really gets fussy is when he gets hungry or sleepy. But then again who doesn't get fussy when they are tired or hungry. :) 

  I can't wait to show you guys his weekly pictures. They will be a day early because I have a colonscopy on Wednesday but they will be on here. :)

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