Monday, February 27, 2012

Too cool for school

   So Hayden has such a big personality!! He kind of has to to keep up with my family!! HAHA!! I can't believe someone so little can pack so much personality in! In just the last few days here are the things Hayden has gotten into...

Ended up in the middle of the floor with Tinker licking his ear

Somehow got his playmat on top of him

Kept getting his feet out of his sleeper

At 0630 decided to kick the poles that keeps his playmat up so his playmat would roll on top of him
One second he was playing on his playmat and the next he was two feet away from his playmat with Ellie on his back. Still trying to figure out how she got on his back.

Decided his diaper bag was tasty and somehow got all of his

Normally his car seat handle is against the wall...

He got rug burn on his knees from going off his playmat and the quilt under the playmat and scooting on the carpet

For the 3rd time in the same day Hayden decided to get all of the diapers out of the bag. I have no idea how he does it!!

Today I put on his sunglasses to make sure they fit and this is the look he gave me. "I'm so totally too cool for you Mom."
   I am loving each and every stage this little man hits and I can't wait to see what comes next!! I am in so much trouble when he starts crawling and walking and his personality gets even bigger!! I can't even imagine what is going to come out of his mouth when he starts talking. Watch out world!! :D

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