Friday, February 24, 2012

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet...

   So Hayden knows his name!! It's so great!!! When we call his name he now turns his head to whoever calls it!! It's so cool!!! :D I love it!! What a great milestone to have met!! He has so many nicknames at one point I was so afraid he would never know his name but alas he recognizes it, well, as long as he's not being stubborn. Have no idea where he got that from. ;)

   Today Hayden tried Avocadoes for the first time!! I thought that it would be a good time to branch out a bit from just the regular orange veggies. I am attaching a video. You judge what you think he thought of it.

   Today was a first of a few things for Hayden. He got his first owie today. Unfortunately I don't have a good picture but I will post more when it gets a little bit darker.

   Here's how it happened. Daniel is sick today so we were all laying in bed watching a video on his iPad and Hayden was just kind of crawling around on me when he flung himself over my knees and happened to bash his head into the side of the iPad. He hit his bone right where his eyebrow is. :(  Poor little guy. His first owie of many.

  So Hayden has decided that since he has discovered his feet he doesn't have to keep his feet in his outfits anymore. (This was a first from today as well)  LOL After about the 50th time I put his feet back in I just said to heck with it and have left them out. HAHA!! Such a silly little guy. 

  I guess having them out of his outfit makes them easier for him to have access to so he can suck on his toes. LOL

I guess I will just have to put socks on his feeties when he starts doing this more regularly. I never have a dull day with this little mini munchkin man in my life. And I wouldn't have it any other way. <3

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