Last night I finally convinced Daniel it was time to start Hayden on some rice cereal. My little man eats SO MUCH that I figured it was time to fill up his tummy!!
We first tried it with a spoon because they didn't have any feeding nipples at Wal*Mart. What a mess!! LOL As you can tell he really wasn't that sure what to make of it.
For his first time with the spoon he did great!! I don't think he has gotten the concept that when the spoon goes in his mouth it brings food because he just lets the food sit there but that's okay. :) We shall work on it.
I can't believe my little guy has had his first taste of real food and not just formula or breast milk!! What an exciting stage Hayden has reached!!
On a side note Daniel saw Hayden get up on all fours last night!! Crawling here we come!!
OMG that first looks like he's saying "WTF Mom is this that your trying to feed me." LOL Give him time and he'll fall in love with it.