Sunday, April 29, 2012


   Yesterday Hayden and I FINALLY got to meet our friends, Flor, Alondra, and Baby Oscar. We had so much fun going to the mall and just hanging out! The mall had an indoor playground where the kids played and Hayden LOVED it!! He had so much fun playing and crawling around and pulling himself up. Of course he had to taste everything but that's okay. :)
   Alondra was so great with Hayden. She was like a little momma. She was always touching him and helping me with him. So cute!

Alondra and Hayden
He was pulling himself up. The little girl under the bridge kept tickling him.
Yummy bridge!
Trying to peek over to see the other kids playing
He was walking from side to side. :)
He kept touching the carpet. Apparently he liked the feel of it.
"Huh Mom?"
He was laughing here. LOL His new favorite thing is pulling his upper lip in when he laughs. So cute!!
All smiles!

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