Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Growing boy!

   Hayden is 27 weeks today! How fast time has flown! Every week that passes seems like only a day! He has definitely grown into a little person and has such a personality. :) Daniel and I have such a strong-willed child. Just like his parents. LOL

 Hayden's new thing is sticking his tongue to the roof of his mouth. It's so cute. Especially when he tries to "talk" or laugh. It makes him drool even more but it's so darn cute!!

   Hayden LOVES playing in his car seat. I don't know what he's going to do when we finally get his big boy car seat and pack up his infant car seat. He has finally figured out how to get out of the car seat on his own!! It's so cute. He just gets on his tummy and slides out of the front. :)

   Every day I look at this little guy and I just marvel at how blessed Daniel and I are. He has grown up so quickly!! I can't believe he is already 6 months old. Now we are just waiting for him to take his first steps!

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