Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hayden's 1st Easter pt 2

   Day 2 of our Easter vacation started out with Mommy missing out on Hayden climbing up his first step!! That's what I get for going to take a shower! I was so bummed. :( But the day did get better. Uncle Greg fixed us a great big breakfast and Hayden got to try Mango for the first time. I really think he liked it. :)
   Of course after breakfast we had to try to get Hayden to climb up the step again. Uncle Greg was so funny. Hayden thought he was pretty funny too. LOL

Uncle Greg was trying so hard to get Hayden to climb up that step. LOL
We all thought he was going to do it!!
Uncle Greg even binder down for Hayden to "step-up" on. LOL

Here he goes letting go of the wall...

He is trying so hard to stand on his own!
   While Aunt Myrtle was at  a Girl Scout's function at the Humane Society Uncle Greg, Daniel, Aunt Sandy, my cousin Bobby, Hayden, and I went to a Historical Farm called Slate Run. It was so cool!!
Brand new lambs
Little lambie!
So cute!

AW!! Such a cute little lamb

Sitting in an old time rocker

Hayden playing a piano

The first time Hayden has ever pet a horse

I think Hayden loves the horses

Baby piggies!

Love this family picture!! <3

Uncle Greg trying out the stilts

Look!! He's walking!!

   After we went to the farm we went down the road a little ways and took Hayden for his first swing ride!! :D He had so much fun! He wasn't really sure what to think at first but it didn't take him long to warm up to it and start laughing and smiling. :)

Not sure really sure what to think

Warming up to the swings
I think he likes it.

Wait... I think he LOVES the swing!!

   When we got to the house we tried Hayden out on some new Sweet Potato Puffs. I don't think he liked them very much. What do you think??

First try

Second try. He looks a little leery

I think these are going to take some getting used to. LOL
   Later that evening Aunt Myrtle and Uncle Greg went to church to watch Jeremy and Elise (my cousin and his daughter) get baptized. Daniel and I took Hayden down to a park and let him swing some more. I think he really liked it. :)
Love that smile!!

My two guys. <3
   When we got back home I had some ice cream and Hayden was playing quietly behind Daniel until he saw what I had and then he climbed over Daniel to get to my bowl. Of course I shared tiny little bites with him. He was sad when it was all gone. He cried. LOL After Aunt Myrtle and Uncle Greg got home we of course tried to get Hayden to climb up the step again but this time Uncle Greg bribed Hayden to climb up with his guitar.
He thought Uncle Greg was funny
Attempt #1

Attempt #2

Attempt #3

Legs Are Up

Will he make it??

All the way up!!


Crawling towards the guitar to fill the night with music!

Hayden is helping Aunt Myrtle read her recipe
We ended the night with getting ready for Easter the next day. :) Uncle Greg sang to us and Aunt Myrtle prepped the ham. Uncle Greg sang a song he wrote for Aunt Myrtle while he was deployed in the Navy many, many years ago and it was so great to see Aunt Myrtle's eyes light up and to see Uncle Greg smile from ear to ear. After all these years they are still so in love. :D <3

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