Saturday, April 21, 2012

One day my teeth will come...

   We are still waiting on teeth!! I can't believe it! Hayden has been teething for 3 months and still no fruits for his labor. My poor baby. He chews on EVERYTHING and we don't even bother with clothes anymore unless he is going out somewhere because withing seconds he has a drool ring all the way down to his diaper. So in reassurance to all 3 of us I have started singing to him, "Someday your teeth will come in..." to the tune of "Someday your prince will come". LOL Once day he is going to wake up with a nice shiny tooth and we will all know all of these long cranky days and long sleepless nights have been worth something.

  I was going through all of my old posts the other day and I realized I haven't posted a video of Hayden really crawling. The boy is a speed demon!! :) He will be in one place one second and to the other side of the room in the blink of an eye! Granted our rooms aren't very big but still, the boy is Speedy Gonzales!!
   And he is now starting to try to get up on his hands and feet. It's so funny to watch when he does it while crawling.
  Hayden and I had a sit outside day today!! It was still a bit chilly but that's okay. We got him a coat and put on some jeans and we enjoyed the fresh air. He was so funny. At first he didn't really know what to do with the grass and then he tried eating and by the time we were ready to go inside he didn't even want to sit on the blanket he only wanted to sit on the grass. :) I can't wait until the weather stays nice all the time so we can spend more time outside. :)

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