Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I scream, You scream...

   So Hayden ate ice cream yesterday and HE LOVED IT!! LOL I don't think he could have crawled over to me fast enough. He covered the 3 feet separating us in about 5 seconds. LOL I had to hold his hands down because he kept trying to grab hold of the cone. And of course we couldn't have him doing that now could we. What a mess that would have made.

I know it looks like he has the whole thing shoved in his mouth but I promise he doesn't. His little tongue is just going to town.

Tinker want some SOOOO bad. LOL Notice her licking her chops??

I had to keep it away from Hayden. He was clawing at my arm trying to get to the ice cream. LOL


Yum Yum!!
  He was not happy when I decided that he had had enough ice cream. He wouldn't let me finish the ice cream cone at all. So I had to put him on his quilt and put some ice cream on his binky and let him suck on his binky. LOL Such fun times. He has a sweet tooth just like his daddy. ;)

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