Thursday, April 12, 2012

6 months today!!

   Hayden is 6 months old today!!

   Where has the time gone!? I can't believe that half a year has past already!! My baby boy has grown into such a little man!! He has a great big ol personality and is definitely his own little person! Hayden has brought so much joy and blessing into the Meyer household. 
Today is all about celebrating Haddy's accomplishments!!
   Food:  Hayden is now eating solids! His favorite thing to eat is the freeze dried strawberry and yogurt bites. He makes these really funny faces when he eats them but he always wants more. He is now up to 9 different baby foods! :D He is now taking some table foods like mashed potatoes and banana pudding. :) And of course the occasional ice cream. ;)
Talking: Hayden isn't saying any actual words but he sure does love to talk and make noise. :) He makes this cute little noise that I can only describe as a purring/cooing noise. It's so cute!! I know any day he's going to say his first word and I am going to be so shocked. LOL

Movement: Hayden is so active! He is now crawling and pulling himself up. He is trying to stand up on his own. But is unsuccessful. As his eye very well knows. LOL He is getting better and better though!! I can't wait until the day he stands up all by himself! I think he's going to shock himself. :)
    Hayden has grown so much in just the last month and I can't wait to see what this month has to bring! I bet by 7 months he might even be walking!

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