Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Yummy Ice Cream!!

   Last night Daniel had to work for a few hours, : (, so Hayden and I took the car and did a few errands and just waited for Daddy to get off work. After Daniel got off we went to Steak and Shake for some milkshakes!! Hayden got sit up in a big boy highchair and he just barely could see over the table. LOL He played with the paper car they gave him and ate some milkshake! I will never give him ice cream so close to bed time again! He was wired for sound the rest of the night. He did have the whole restaurant laughing at him because he was so eager to get the milkshake. LOL So cute!!

Playing with the paper car!
Trying to get the milkshake
Love his face!!
Love this picture!
Daddy is "eating" his neck. He was cracking up!!

1 comment:

  1. He is such a cutie, I can't believe how big he's getting!
