Monday, May 14, 2012

7 Months Old

Hayden is 7 months old!! 

 Haddy-bug is 7 months old!! I can't believe in just 5 short months my baby will be a year old. Where has the time gone?

   This month has been so eventful. Hayden has grown by leaps and bounds. Here's what he's accomplished.

Food: Hayden starting taking table food. Soft stuff like, bread, rice, and of course ice cream. LOL His face is so funny when he tries a new type of bread. He really likes biscuits from McDonald's and the rolls from Logan's Roadhouse.

 Talking: Hayden said his first word. "Baba" The boy sure loves his food. He kept saying "babababa" so Daniel went to go make him a bottle and as soon as Hayden saw that bottle he started screeching and saying "BABA!" really loud. It was so funny. He has also started saying "Dada" No "Mama" yet but we will keep working on it. ;) lol

Movement: He took his first 2 steps the day before he turned 7 months!!! It was so exciting. He pushed up off me to stand up and he took 2 steps forward! And when he was done he was still standing! At least until I yelled and he fell down. I was caught off guard so unfortunately there is no video but there will be one the next time he does it. LOL He gave me this look like, "What did I do Mommy?" He is crawling EVERYWHERE. And he is so fast. Sometimes it is hard to keep up with him.

He has no teeth yet but that's okay! He chews on EVERYTHING and he drools constantly. His new favorite things to do is shake his head no and blow raspberries. It is so cute when he does them. Especially together.

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