Sunday, April 29, 2012


   Yesterday Hayden and I FINALLY got to meet our friends, Flor, Alondra, and Baby Oscar. We had so much fun going to the mall and just hanging out! The mall had an indoor playground where the kids played and Hayden LOVED it!! He had so much fun playing and crawling around and pulling himself up. Of course he had to taste everything but that's okay. :)
   Alondra was so great with Hayden. She was like a little momma. She was always touching him and helping me with him. So cute!

Alondra and Hayden
He was pulling himself up. The little girl under the bridge kept tickling him.
Yummy bridge!
Trying to peek over to see the other kids playing
He was walking from side to side. :)
He kept touching the carpet. Apparently he liked the feel of it.
"Huh Mom?"
He was laughing here. LOL His new favorite thing is pulling his upper lip in when he laughs. So cute!!
All smiles!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

30 - 2 = 28!!

   Hayden is 28 weeks! 
   Every day the little guy becomes his own person. I believe we have hit the separation anxiety stage. :S I sure hope it doesn't get any worse.
  He is so cute. When he is crawling towards something and gets super excited and tries to go faster he starts pounding his hands and feet but never goes any faster. LOL He does this a lot when he sees either Daniel or I after we haven't been around him for awhile.
  Hayden has started to pull himself up on random objects and likes to push them around the room while he is walking!! :) Just one step closer to him walking. (Pun intending lol) I can't believe my baby is close to taking his first steps!

The cheesie puffs jar is almost as big as Hayden.
Love his faces!!
My big boy sitting up!
"Huh Mom??"
He LOVES to stand up using the arm of the futon for support
Staring outside. :)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Here we go a walking!!

   Hayden is on the road to walking!! I can't believe it. He has started pushing his diaper box around and walking with it! :) I am going to have to go get him one of those walking toys to see how he does. :)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

One day my teeth will come...

   We are still waiting on teeth!! I can't believe it! Hayden has been teething for 3 months and still no fruits for his labor. My poor baby. He chews on EVERYTHING and we don't even bother with clothes anymore unless he is going out somewhere because withing seconds he has a drool ring all the way down to his diaper. So in reassurance to all 3 of us I have started singing to him, "Someday your teeth will come in..." to the tune of "Someday your prince will come". LOL Once day he is going to wake up with a nice shiny tooth and we will all know all of these long cranky days and long sleepless nights have been worth something.

  I was going through all of my old posts the other day and I realized I haven't posted a video of Hayden really crawling. The boy is a speed demon!! :) He will be in one place one second and to the other side of the room in the blink of an eye! Granted our rooms aren't very big but still, the boy is Speedy Gonzales!!
   And he is now starting to try to get up on his hands and feet. It's so funny to watch when he does it while crawling.
  Hayden and I had a sit outside day today!! It was still a bit chilly but that's okay. We got him a coat and put on some jeans and we enjoyed the fresh air. He was so funny. At first he didn't really know what to do with the grass and then he tried eating and by the time we were ready to go inside he didn't even want to sit on the blanket he only wanted to sit on the grass. :) I can't wait until the weather stays nice all the time so we can spend more time outside. :)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Scrub-a-dub-dub-dub one Hayden in a tub!

   Hurray for bath time!! Hayden is getting so big he can sit up in the bath tub during bath time now!! I'm not sure this is a good thing though cause all he wants to do is crawl around and pull himself up on the side of the tub. LOL But that's okay he gets clean and that's all that matters. :) He was so cute during his bath time today. :) Splashing and crawling around and just playing in the water. I love those moments.

Trying out REAL food!

   So we bought Haddy this new mesh food thingy. I was kind of nervous about how he was going to do with it. Was he going to hold on to it? Was he going to throw it across the room? Was he going to get the hang of chewing on it? Boy, was I worried for nothing! He got the hang of it right away!! He started chewing on it and he only threw it down once! And I think that was his way of saying, "Okay Mom. I'm done." He sure was sticky and a mess to clean up after but he definitely liked it. :) I can't wait to try him on other fruits and veggies. :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Growing boy!

   Hayden is 27 weeks today! How fast time has flown! Every week that passes seems like only a day! He has definitely grown into a little person and has such a personality. :) Daniel and I have such a strong-willed child. Just like his parents. LOL

 Hayden's new thing is sticking his tongue to the roof of his mouth. It's so cute. Especially when he tries to "talk" or laugh. It makes him drool even more but it's so darn cute!!

   Hayden LOVES playing in his car seat. I don't know what he's going to do when we finally get his big boy car seat and pack up his infant car seat. He has finally figured out how to get out of the car seat on his own!! It's so cute. He just gets on his tummy and slides out of the front. :)

   Every day I look at this little guy and I just marvel at how blessed Daniel and I are. He has grown up so quickly!! I can't believe he is already 6 months old. Now we are just waiting for him to take his first steps!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

6 months today!!

   Hayden is 6 months old today!!

   Where has the time gone!? I can't believe that half a year has past already!! My baby boy has grown into such a little man!! He has a great big ol personality and is definitely his own little person! Hayden has brought so much joy and blessing into the Meyer household. 
Today is all about celebrating Haddy's accomplishments!!
   Food:  Hayden is now eating solids! His favorite thing to eat is the freeze dried strawberry and yogurt bites. He makes these really funny faces when he eats them but he always wants more. He is now up to 9 different baby foods! :D He is now taking some table foods like mashed potatoes and banana pudding. :) And of course the occasional ice cream. ;)
Talking: Hayden isn't saying any actual words but he sure does love to talk and make noise. :) He makes this cute little noise that I can only describe as a purring/cooing noise. It's so cute!! I know any day he's going to say his first word and I am going to be so shocked. LOL

Movement: Hayden is so active! He is now crawling and pulling himself up. He is trying to stand up on his own. But is unsuccessful. As his eye very well knows. LOL He is getting better and better though!! I can't wait until the day he stands up all by himself! I think he's going to shock himself. :)
    Hayden has grown so much in just the last month and I can't wait to see what this month has to bring! I bet by 7 months he might even be walking!

26 weeks old and another black eye!!

     Hayden wants to be a rocker just like Uncle Greg!!

   Since Hayden has started pulling himself up he is absolutely fearless! He loves to pull up on anything and everything!! And now he has started to let go and try to stand up on his own. Well, Hayden and the coffee table had a tussle and the coffee table won. He ended up trying to stand up on his own and fell and hit the top part of his eye on the edge of the table.
Right after he hit his eye
T+1 day
    Hayden is a strawberry lover!! :D :D

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hayden's 1st Easter pt 3

    Hayden had a wonderful first Easter!! He got to spend it with family. Even though he missed NaNa and PaPaw very much and wished they could have been there! It was a gorgeous day! The day started out gloriously!! Uncle Greg got us the most amazing donut holes to eat while we cleaned and got ready for our guests. Hayden even helped clean. He helped chase the vacuum around. LOL

He wasn't even afraid of the vacuum!!
     Once everyone got there we all sat down to the wonderful feast Aunt Myrtle, Uncle Greg, and Aunt Sandy made. It was delicious!! Hayden even got to try mashed potatoes for the first time. He made the funniest faces but he kept coming back for more!
Hayden's first bite of mashed potatoes
Hayden's tenth bite of mashed potatoes. Can you tell the difference in his faces?? LOL
   After lunch and Kelly, Jeremy, Hannah, and Elise got there we went out Easter we went out Easter egg hunting! Hayden got a Little Tyke toy and $1.50 to put in his piggy bank. But he honestly was more interested in eating the eggs. LOL
Elise wasn't quite sure what to think at first but she very quickly warmed up to the idea!!
Of course Daddy was helping Hayden
Hurray!! Haddy found his first Easter egg!
Uncle Greg was helping Elise find Easter eggs
Hannah and her dad looking for her eggs

Elise had to sit down to pick up this egg. LOL
Do I get the egg or the grass?
Grass it is!! LOL
HAHA!! He just wanted to eat the egg!

   After the kids hunted for Easter eggs we all went back inside so the girls could open the eggs to see what they got. They also opened a few presents. Hayden had to get into action and got to play/eat some wrapping paper. :) It was so much fun watching Hannah and Elise open their eggs and their presents. Elise had Kelly open her eggs and then took whatever was inside to Jeremy. LOL When everything was all cleaned up we all went outside for MENTOS GEYSERS!! I think this was the most anticipated part of the day!! LOL Everyone went outside to watch everything get set-up. It was taken very seriously. There was a wooden tray that been built to keep the Coke bottles from tipping over. It also allowed them to do up to 4 Coke bottles at one time. They had also bought these really neat little contraptions that allowed you to fill it up with the Mentos and then just pull and string and it would drop the Mentos into the bottle while you ran like crazy!! (Ready for an action sequence??)
Hayden with Aunt Sandy
Hayden with Elise
Hayden with Hannah

   After a very long but amazing day it was time to go home. We were all very sad. :( But it's nice to know that we don't live very far away and can go visit again for a weekend. :)