Saturday, March 3, 2012


   Hayden is officially up to 5 different baby foods now!! Squash, Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Avocadoes, and Green Beans! His newest venture was green beans this morning. I wish I could have gotten pictures of his face when he tried them! He made the best face!! HAHA!!

  I think Hayden has finally reached the point where he is sleeping through most of the night. FINALLY!!! The past... I guess week. He will fall asleep about 2230 or 2300 and sleep until about 0530 or 0600 and get up to eat and then go right back to sleep and then sleep for about another 2 hours. :) It's been so wonderful!! I hope it lasts.

  Yesterday Hayden got the last shot in his 4 month series. We have decided to do staggered shots because he had a HORRIBLE adverse reaction to his first set at 2 months that scared us really bad. He did such a great job with it. He didn't even flinch when he got it. No tears or anything!! Amazing!! :D I hope he does that every time! I told the nurse that administered the shot that I was going to request her every time. :) HAHA! I weighed him while we were there and with a full diaper and 10 days away from being 5 months he weighs 15 lbs and 6 oz. :) I have such a big boy. :)

   This is the hysterical sight I came upon as I was sewing some ties for a customer the night before last. Hayden likes to kick the post of his playmat and bring the whole thing down on top of himself. This was after the 4th time I has moved him so he would quit doing this. HAHA! Such a silly little man. :)

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