Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Rollin, Rollin, Rollin

  Hayden has been making great strides when it comes to crawling!! I can't believe it! I guarantee you be 6 months he will be fully crawling! This video makes me laugh so hard. He takes after Daniel going after that Mt. Dew bottle like it was his milky. HAHA!! :D

   This morning Hayden and I were just kind of chilling before I had to go to work and he was just playing in his drawers of clothes. I had pulled them out and had put his clean clothes in them and just left them on the floor, because as you can tell be the video we can't leave Hayden alone in a room. Well, Hayden decided that he wanted to play with the drawers, which was fine with me. How much trouble could he get in right?? Well, things were a little too quiet and I looked over and there was blood streaming down the front of the drawer. :O He had cut his little gums on the sharp plastic! I, of course, was freaking out. I wanted to know how bad it was. He didn't make a peep. If anything he was mad that I took him away from his "toy". LOL Sill Haddy!!

   Hayden is officially 22 weeks today. :) I know once they hit like 2 months we are supposed to stop counting in weeks but why not celebrate every little milestone right?? ;)

He found me camera and wanted to eat it. LOL

I love how no matter how tight we make his diapers they still gap in the back. :)

I love newly awake eyes.

He looks so thoughtful. :)
  He is teething. :( It's so hard. My happy baby has turned into a mostly happy baby that is very clingy and whiny and drooley and just wants to chew on EVERYTHING. I hate teething. I wish all the teeth would just come in at once and we would be done and over with it. But alas, it doesn't happen like that. One day, he will cut a tooth and there will be a royal celebration!! :D

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