Monday, March 12, 2012

5 months old today!!

   My baby boy is 5 months old today! It's so excited to see how big Hayden gotten. Every day he changes in look and personality!!

2 days old
1 month old
2 months old

3 months old

4 months old

5 months old

   We just recently added Peas to his list of baby foods and I wish I had gotten video of his first bite. It was HYSTERICAL!! I'm not sure if he likes them or not. It's gotten a little hard to tell if he likes new food cause he likes to "talk" while he's eating. LOL But that's okay. It's a good time to spend just talking with him and having his attention. :)

  One of Hayden's favorite things to do is help me "exercise". He likes lay on his belly on my legs while I lift him up in the air. I thought his faces were so funny I just had to share!!
I'm so excited that he's getting a dimple on his right side!!

   Hayden has started holding the bottle all on his own!! It's really funny cause sometimes it's not with both hands or even on the side of the bottle but he always gets it! He does like to tip it all the way back so I have a feeling he will end up with more than a few bruises on his noggin!
He wouldn't put his butt down so I'm sure his little legs got a work-out. LOL
HAHA!! Love his expression!!
   He's FINALLY fitting into 3-6 month clothing!! I put him into the Harley outfit his Nana and Papaw got him and I just have to say he looked SUPER handsome!! :)

He LOVES having his picture taken. The little ham!! :)
Even if it was a bit short
My handsome Buggy man!!

   Just wanted to leave you with a couple of pictures that I am sure will leave a smile on your face!! Happy 5 months to my Hayden Eli!! :D

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