Wednesday, March 7, 2012


  My baby boy is 21 weeks today!! Hurray!! Too bad that doesn't come with the fun things that come with turning 21. HAHA!!

  I feel like not much has really changed but so much has changed. Every day little things about Hayden change. His personality changes, his face change, he gets taller, he learns new things. I wish that I could videotape every moment of everyday for those of you who live so far away and can't share in the little things I take so much pride in. My baby boy is growing up. He makes me so proud every day with the little things he does.

  He has started to talk more. I think he is actually starting to formulate words!! :O I think his first word is going to be "Dada" or "Daddy" and I'm okay with that. :) He is already saying it and I think he is starting to comprehend who that word belongs to. :) It makes me heart melt every time he says it. :)

  Here's a link to a video of my Haddy bug being all silly while I was trying to feed him the other morning. This is what he is like in the mornings. All smiles and giggles. When he wakes up he wakes up just talking and when he sees either Daniel or I he just smiles and coos at us. That right there makes being a parent so worth it. :)

  We have started giving Hayden a sippy cup. We don't put anything in it yet. I tried that last night but it comes out too fast and he had a choking episode last night and gave me a few more gray hairs than I already had. But he really loves playing with it. I may try giving him his rice bottle tonight in it since that's a little thicker than just plain formula!!

    I enjoy every moment I share with Hayden and I can't wait to keep sharing each milestone he hits with each one of you!!

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