Wednesday, March 28, 2012

24 weeks :)

   My baby boy is 24 weeks and boy has it been a rough weeks for us! He is teething and my sweet happy go lucky baby turned into a fussy cranky not wanting to sleep baby!! I want my old baby back!! He has 2 white spots on his top gum and 2 on his bottom so I think we will have some teeth break through any day now! But we tried a new med last night and he slept like a champ! Mommy got some much needed sleep!! It was wonderful!!

Love this grin. :)
I call this his "sexy" pose. lol
Seriously?? I dare you NOT to laugh!!
My big boy likes to sit up all on his own!
  Hayden is now pulling himself on stuff and likes to stand up!! :O I keep telling him that I am going to staple his diaper to the ground because I'm not ready for him to be standing up. LOL He's so funny because his favorite to pull up on is his car seat but it rocks and when it rocks and dumps him on his butt he gets mad. LOL Oh well. It's really cute to watch. :)

   He loves to get into stuff. His favorite thing to chew on is paper. He found my coupon stash under the kitchen table last night. Of course I had to get pictures before I pulled him away. It was so cute but boy did he make a mess!!

   Next weekend we are going to my Aunt's in Ohio to visit. It's the first time they get to meet Hayden and I am so excited!! A little nervous because it's the first time since Hayden was a month old since he has been in the car seat that long but hopefully since we will be splitting the long car ride in half he will do okay. I hope I get my camera back in time to take lots of pictures. If not I will just have to settle for Daniel's point and shoot. Oh well. At least we will have pictures and that's all that matters. :)

  Oh yes. Daniel took Hayden to the doctor Monday because we were afraid he had an ear infection and it turns out my chunky monkey is 16 lbs and 8 oz!! :D He is getting big!!

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