Monday, March 19, 2012

First St. Patrick's Day

   Saturday was Hayden's first St. Patrick's Day! :D We didn't do much of anything. He and I just hung out all day. We ran some errand and met Auntie HollyAnn at the mall to hang out and look for a pair of pants for his 6 months photo shoot in April. He did look awful cute in his St. Patty's Day outfit though. :)

Did not like having his picture taken right after he first woke up.
Hayden and Mommy at the mall. Isn't he so handsome??
He was so excited he wouldn't sit still for pictures. LOL.
   Hayden loves his Daddy!! It's so cute to see the two of them interact. I especially love it when Daniel goes to put Hayden to sleep and sings to him. He just makes up a bunch of random songs. It makes me smile. :)

Hayden and Daddy
Definitely just like daddy. :)
   Hayden LOVES Tinker. He just laughs at her no matter what she's doing and loves to chase her. She loves to give him kisses. The other day he found her kennel. :) Poor Tink. She was trapped in her kennel for about 20 min cause Hayden was laying at the entrance and wouldn't let her out. LOL I'm so glad they get along. I was worried Tinker would be skittish around him but they get along great!! :D :D

   Hayden has found his tongue. :) He loves to stick it out and to chew on it. :) It's so funny. When he smiles he loves to stick it out. My funny little guy.
   He is officially crawling!! :D I'm so proud of him!! I can't believe he is already so mobile! He loves to get into everything and we can't leave him alone at all. It's time to baby proof!! :D

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