Saturday, March 31, 2012

Children's Museum

   Today was a playdate day!! Hayden and I got together with our friends Devin and Brayden and we went to the Children's Discovery Museum in Normal, IL. We had so much fun!!
Brayden was getting his energy for the fun filled day!
Haddy was excited!!
   Hayden played with a few plastic toys. And by played with I mean they went straight in his mouth. LOL And he played with a xylophone. His favorite thing to play with was the brass outlet covers on the floor. LOL He was a little tired so we didn't play for very long but we did get to walk around. We made hand and foot prints in the little thing with the plastic needles. We played in the tractors and combines and looked at the cows.
Playing with the xylophone!

Of course it had to go straight in his mouth
Hayden and Mommy

Brayden and Mommy in the Tractor
Brayden and Mommy in the Combine

Hayden's handprint in the plastic needles

Devin's handprint on the left, Victoria's handprint  on the right as you look at it

Hayden's footprints
   We must have really worn the babies out because as soon as we walked out the door to go to lunch he was out like a lightbulb and slept through most of lunch. After lunch we did get some pretty cute pictures of them together. Hayden wanted to touch Brayden. A few times he almost rolled over on top of him. LOL When we got back to my apartment after I even think Hayden wanted to give him a few kisses but I didn't want him to crawl on top of him so of course that didn't happen. I will just have to wait until Brayden is big enough to defend himself before I will let Hayden "kiss" him. LOL
"It'll be all right"

"At a boy Champ" LOL
    I absolutely can't wait to see these two guys grow up together!! Can't wait for another playdate day!!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

24 weeks :)

   My baby boy is 24 weeks and boy has it been a rough weeks for us! He is teething and my sweet happy go lucky baby turned into a fussy cranky not wanting to sleep baby!! I want my old baby back!! He has 2 white spots on his top gum and 2 on his bottom so I think we will have some teeth break through any day now! But we tried a new med last night and he slept like a champ! Mommy got some much needed sleep!! It was wonderful!!

Love this grin. :)
I call this his "sexy" pose. lol
Seriously?? I dare you NOT to laugh!!
My big boy likes to sit up all on his own!
  Hayden is now pulling himself on stuff and likes to stand up!! :O I keep telling him that I am going to staple his diaper to the ground because I'm not ready for him to be standing up. LOL He's so funny because his favorite to pull up on is his car seat but it rocks and when it rocks and dumps him on his butt he gets mad. LOL Oh well. It's really cute to watch. :)

   He loves to get into stuff. His favorite thing to chew on is paper. He found my coupon stash under the kitchen table last night. Of course I had to get pictures before I pulled him away. It was so cute but boy did he make a mess!!

   Next weekend we are going to my Aunt's in Ohio to visit. It's the first time they get to meet Hayden and I am so excited!! A little nervous because it's the first time since Hayden was a month old since he has been in the car seat that long but hopefully since we will be splitting the long car ride in half he will do okay. I hope I get my camera back in time to take lots of pictures. If not I will just have to settle for Daniel's point and shoot. Oh well. At least we will have pictures and that's all that matters. :)

  Oh yes. Daniel took Hayden to the doctor Monday because we were afraid he had an ear infection and it turns out my chunky monkey is 16 lbs and 8 oz!! :D He is getting big!!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Bathtime Fun!!

   So today was endoscopy day and my wonderful friend Ruth came over to help me with Hayden. He decided to spit up ALL over her and himself so I decided to it was time to give him a bath.
  Of course she had to go and ask the dreaded words, "Does he poop in the bath tub??" I responded with, "Nope. He never has before." I draw his bath and get ready to put him in. As I am putting him in the tub Ruth puts her hands in the tub to rinse them off and he pees right as she is cleaning off her hands. I should have known right then that was a sign of how the bath was going to go.
  Everything was going great, he was splashing and chewing on his washcloth when all of a sudden he started grunting. UH OH!! I knew that face!! He started pooping!! I starting cracking up!! I of coursed pulled him out of the tub and laid him on the towel and cleaned out the tub. Ruth had to leave the room cause it was making her gag. LOL
  Once I got it all cleaned up we tried it again. And yet again... he pooped!! I thought... third times the charm... It definitely was. For him to poop again! This time Ruth was with me. She was holding him up in the tub and he was still pooping. She asked me what to do and I was laughing so hard I just slid the trash can over. She held him over the trash can and he finished pooping in the trash can. LOL

  We finally got everything cleaned up and he finally got a bath. :) After the bath I let him air dry and Ruth had to jinx it again and he ended up peeing all over mommy. All in all in was a great bath time. :) Definitely a first the will go down in history and that I will be sharing with all of his girlfriends. ;)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sitting up

   I was finally able to get Hayden on video sitting up. :)

Sitting Tall

   Hayden is sitting up all on his own!! I'm so proud of him!! He moves so much I was afraid he was never going to have the balance to sit up all on his own. But last night while I was on the phone with his Nana he pushed himself up into the sitting position and sat up all by himself!! :D I almost cried I was so proud of him! And he has been doing it all by himself and constantly ever since.

   Today Hayden is 23 weeks! :D My little guy is getting so big! I can't believe it!! He is officially crawling. Hands and knees crawling and is getting into EVERYTHING. Nothing is safe from this boy. LOL

He crawled into his carseat to chew on his straps. LOL

My nakey baby got his sippy cup out of his diaper bag and is chewing on it while kicking on the box that needs to be mailed out to NaNa and PaPaw
   I love taking pictures of my little man (in case you can't tell ;) ) and sometimes I get silliest face from him. Here are some silly faces I got from him this morning. :)

Sometimes I don't even want to know. LOL
What a mischievous look!!
He keeps trying to eat my camera. LOL
"Huh Mom??"
   The most precious thing to me is seeing Daniel and Hayden interacting but sometimes just seeing them laying with each other is even more precious!

Monday, March 19, 2012

First St. Patrick's Day

   Saturday was Hayden's first St. Patrick's Day! :D We didn't do much of anything. He and I just hung out all day. We ran some errand and met Auntie HollyAnn at the mall to hang out and look for a pair of pants for his 6 months photo shoot in April. He did look awful cute in his St. Patty's Day outfit though. :)

Did not like having his picture taken right after he first woke up.
Hayden and Mommy at the mall. Isn't he so handsome??
He was so excited he wouldn't sit still for pictures. LOL.
   Hayden loves his Daddy!! It's so cute to see the two of them interact. I especially love it when Daniel goes to put Hayden to sleep and sings to him. He just makes up a bunch of random songs. It makes me smile. :)

Hayden and Daddy
Definitely just like daddy. :)
   Hayden LOVES Tinker. He just laughs at her no matter what she's doing and loves to chase her. She loves to give him kisses. The other day he found her kennel. :) Poor Tink. She was trapped in her kennel for about 20 min cause Hayden was laying at the entrance and wouldn't let her out. LOL I'm so glad they get along. I was worried Tinker would be skittish around him but they get along great!! :D :D

   Hayden has found his tongue. :) He loves to stick it out and to chew on it. :) It's so funny. When he smiles he loves to stick it out. My funny little guy.
   He is officially crawling!! :D I'm so proud of him!! I can't believe he is already so mobile! He loves to get into everything and we can't leave him alone at all. It's time to baby proof!! :D

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Rollin, Rollin, Rollin

  Hayden has been making great strides when it comes to crawling!! I can't believe it! I guarantee you be 6 months he will be fully crawling! This video makes me laugh so hard. He takes after Daniel going after that Mt. Dew bottle like it was his milky. HAHA!! :D

   This morning Hayden and I were just kind of chilling before I had to go to work and he was just playing in his drawers of clothes. I had pulled them out and had put his clean clothes in them and just left them on the floor, because as you can tell be the video we can't leave Hayden alone in a room. Well, Hayden decided that he wanted to play with the drawers, which was fine with me. How much trouble could he get in right?? Well, things were a little too quiet and I looked over and there was blood streaming down the front of the drawer. :O He had cut his little gums on the sharp plastic! I, of course, was freaking out. I wanted to know how bad it was. He didn't make a peep. If anything he was mad that I took him away from his "toy". LOL Sill Haddy!!

   Hayden is officially 22 weeks today. :) I know once they hit like 2 months we are supposed to stop counting in weeks but why not celebrate every little milestone right?? ;)

He found me camera and wanted to eat it. LOL

I love how no matter how tight we make his diapers they still gap in the back. :)

I love newly awake eyes.

He looks so thoughtful. :)
  He is teething. :( It's so hard. My happy baby has turned into a mostly happy baby that is very clingy and whiny and drooley and just wants to chew on EVERYTHING. I hate teething. I wish all the teeth would just come in at once and we would be done and over with it. But alas, it doesn't happen like that. One day, he will cut a tooth and there will be a royal celebration!! :D

Monday, March 12, 2012

5 months old today!!

   My baby boy is 5 months old today! It's so excited to see how big Hayden gotten. Every day he changes in look and personality!!

2 days old
1 month old
2 months old

3 months old

4 months old

5 months old

   We just recently added Peas to his list of baby foods and I wish I had gotten video of his first bite. It was HYSTERICAL!! I'm not sure if he likes them or not. It's gotten a little hard to tell if he likes new food cause he likes to "talk" while he's eating. LOL But that's okay. It's a good time to spend just talking with him and having his attention. :)

  One of Hayden's favorite things to do is help me "exercise". He likes lay on his belly on my legs while I lift him up in the air. I thought his faces were so funny I just had to share!!
I'm so excited that he's getting a dimple on his right side!!

   Hayden has started holding the bottle all on his own!! It's really funny cause sometimes it's not with both hands or even on the side of the bottle but he always gets it! He does like to tip it all the way back so I have a feeling he will end up with more than a few bruises on his noggin!
He wouldn't put his butt down so I'm sure his little legs got a work-out. LOL
HAHA!! Love his expression!!
   He's FINALLY fitting into 3-6 month clothing!! I put him into the Harley outfit his Nana and Papaw got him and I just have to say he looked SUPER handsome!! :)

He LOVES having his picture taken. The little ham!! :)
Even if it was a bit short
My handsome Buggy man!!

   Just wanted to leave you with a couple of pictures that I am sure will leave a smile on your face!! Happy 5 months to my Hayden Eli!! :D