Wednesday, September 19, 2012



OM! My mini man will be a year old in less than a month! It's so hard to believe! He has grown so much in such a short period of time. Thank you all for sharing this journey with us and I can't wait to see the type of man he grows up to be. Right now Hayden has 8 teeth and he is working on getting 2 more on the top AND on the bottom!

Movement: Hayden is a moving fool! He is climbing on everything and running everywhere. He now can walk from the car to our apt. :) He climbs up all of our steps. He's got really great fine motor skills. He is picking up small objects with just his pointer finger and thumb!

Food: Hayden LOVES to eat ( in case you can't tell by his belly. :)) He likes to eat pretty much anything but his favorite thing to eat is SWEETS! He's just like his daddy!

Hayden loves to "help" In other words he likes to be in the middle of everything. :)

Language: Hayden is signing 3 words now! "Milk" "Please" "More". We are still working on "Thank you" but I think that will come in time. He is now copying noises we make. It's so cute!

Overall, Hayden is a pretty awesome little guy who is full of personality and love! I can't believe in just the last 11 months he has changed so much! He has started to go to sleep before 2100 and only wakes up 2 or 3 times in the middle of the night and then wakes up around 0700 all bright eyed and bushy tailed. My favorite thing to do is snuggle with him first thing when he wakes up and then just play in bed with him for awhile. <3

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