Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Oh how time flies!

    I can't believe in just 16 short days I will be the mother of a 1 yr old! Where has the time gone? I can't believe he is getting so big so fast. What a little man I have. He is becoming more and more of his own person every day. I wish I could share all of the little day to day moments with you all but unfortunately that is just not possible.
    I will however share a few of Hayden's new "likes". His new favorite thing is to eat sprinkles. Yup, you read right SPRINKLES! He loves all kinds of sprinkles. I think it's hilarious when his mouth turns funny colors. LOL
  He is learning how walk down the stairs! I of course have to hold both of his hands to help him but he is learning. :)
  Peek-a-boo is his new favorite game. He gets so excited when we play it. He even pulls back the shower curtain to play with me while I am taking a shower. LOL
  He LOVES going on walks. He likes riding in his stroller but he loves being a big boy and walking by himself. He really enjoys nature. :)

Here are a few recent pictures of him:

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