Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Oh how time flies!

    I can't believe in just 16 short days I will be the mother of a 1 yr old! Where has the time gone? I can't believe he is getting so big so fast. What a little man I have. He is becoming more and more of his own person every day. I wish I could share all of the little day to day moments with you all but unfortunately that is just not possible.
    I will however share a few of Hayden's new "likes". His new favorite thing is to eat sprinkles. Yup, you read right SPRINKLES! He loves all kinds of sprinkles. I think it's hilarious when his mouth turns funny colors. LOL
  He is learning how walk down the stairs! I of course have to hold both of his hands to help him but he is learning. :)
  Peek-a-boo is his new favorite game. He gets so excited when we play it. He even pulls back the shower curtain to play with me while I am taking a shower. LOL
  He LOVES going on walks. He likes riding in his stroller but he loves being a big boy and walking by himself. He really enjoys nature. :)

Here are a few recent pictures of him:

Wednesday, September 19, 2012



OM! My mini man will be a year old in less than a month! It's so hard to believe! He has grown so much in such a short period of time. Thank you all for sharing this journey with us and I can't wait to see the type of man he grows up to be. Right now Hayden has 8 teeth and he is working on getting 2 more on the top AND on the bottom!

Movement: Hayden is a moving fool! He is climbing on everything and running everywhere. He now can walk from the car to our apt. :) He climbs up all of our steps. He's got really great fine motor skills. He is picking up small objects with just his pointer finger and thumb!

Food: Hayden LOVES to eat ( in case you can't tell by his belly. :)) He likes to eat pretty much anything but his favorite thing to eat is SWEETS! He's just like his daddy!

Hayden loves to "help" In other words he likes to be in the middle of everything. :)

Language: Hayden is signing 3 words now! "Milk" "Please" "More". We are still working on "Thank you" but I think that will come in time. He is now copying noises we make. It's so cute!

Overall, Hayden is a pretty awesome little guy who is full of personality and love! I can't believe in just the last 11 months he has changed so much! He has started to go to sleep before 2100 and only wakes up 2 or 3 times in the middle of the night and then wakes up around 0700 all bright eyed and bushy tailed. My favorite thing to do is snuggle with him first thing when he wakes up and then just play in bed with him for awhile. <3

10 months old


My little monkey is growing up so fast! He now has 6 teeth and it looks like he is working on #7 and #8. He has 4 up top and 2 on the bottom.

Food: Hayden pretty much eats anything but he definitely takes after his daddy with a sweet tooth!

Movement: Hayden is RUNNING! It's crazy how fast he moves and how steady he is walking!

Hayden is signing now! He can sign "please" and "more"!! We are working "Thank you" but he doesn't like it that much because it doesn't get him anything. LOL

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

St. Louis Trip Day 2 & 3

 Our 2nd day in St.Louis promised to be a lot of fun and it sure did not disappoint. Hayden and I started off the rainy morning with a swim in the pool while we let daddy sleep a bit longer. :) Then we went down to the hotel restaurant and ate some pizza. Of course Hayden had to make friends. He flirted with our waitress (which earned him free Cheerios :)) and went to the table next to us and said hi to everyone. :) After eating some pizza we took a trip to downtown and went to the City Museum! It was so awesome and full of fun things to see and do.

They have a bus on top of the building that hangs over the side!

Daddy and Hayden looking at the turtles

They let you pet the turtles!

This nifty little creature had plastic walk ways all over. He just walked back and forth

A two headed turtle

A two headed snake

Ah these fish are so funny! They eat the dead skin off! They tickled!!

Of course Hayden had to get in on the action. Every time they touched his fingers he would jerk his hand out of the water so fast. LOL

Of course no trip to St.Louis is complete without a trip to the Arch. We not only saw the Arch but we went into the museum they had. It was so cool. They had an old time shop that sold hand pulled taffy and the most delicious cashew and peanut brittle.

Hayden touched the Arch!

Not exactly sure what he was saying but... HAHA!

Our last day in St.Louis was pretty relaxed. We just went to the mall down from our hotel and hung out. We went to the Disney Store and of course stopped in at the Cheesecake Factory and got a few slices! ;)

Hayden decided he wanted to play with the extension cord.  LOL

The mall had a huge water area with fountains. Someone wanted to go swimming. HAHA

You can't really tell but the fountains are on the floor below us. Hade wanted to get to them really bad.

Trying to climb out of his stroller to get to the fountains

Hade made a new friend. Havish from the movie Brave

Ready to go home with his new friend.

Back in IL. :( Good bye St. Louis. Til we meet again