Tuesday, June 12, 2012

8 Months Old!! :D


   My Hade-man is 8 months old today!! He has grown and changed so much in the last month! He is now 20 lbs and 5 oz and approximately 28 inches long. :)

WE HAVE A TOOTH!! And the one next to it is coming in as well. His top 2 canines look like they are making their way to the surface too!!

Food- OMG! Does Hayden eat!! HAHA! I have a feeling when he becomes a teenager he is going to eat us out of house and home when he hits a growth spurt. He can eat just about anything. He really likes big people food. And if we are eating he has to have anything we are eating. If we try to give him baby food or snacks he just screams. LOL

Talking- Hayden is very verbal but he really doesn't say any actual words besides Dada and Baba. Which can be very frustrating. But that's okay. He will learn in time. :)

Movement- Well... Ahem... Since Hayden's 7 months post he didn't walk another step. :( BUT!! the last week he has been getting better at keeping his balance more and more. Yesterday he took 3 steps before he fell down. I am so excited!! My baby is on his way to walking. He can now stand for minutes at a time sometimes all by himself. :)

  I am so excited to see what the next month holds and I guarantee he will be walking by then. :)

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