Wednesday, August 8, 2012

St. Louis Trip Day 1!!

For the very first time in the almost 5 years Daniel and I have been together we went on a vacation for just us! We took our little family down to St. Louis for the weekend. I had never been and we were so excited to take Hayden to the zoo! Hayden had a really rough night the night before so we got a later start then we had planned. There was construction everywhere once you got to into the city and I was driving so there was a lot of yelling and white knuckles but we made it to the zoo.

Our first sighting of the Arch
Busch Stadium
This shark was HUGE!

I thought it would be cute to have Daniel read this book to Hayden. LOL :D

Our big boy. :)
He liked to feel the frog. Apparently it was funny. lol
OMG! Hayden would not look away from this waterfall! He was fascinated with it.
It was like the rhino wanted to have his photo taken
Looking at the hippos
Trying to keep cool
We were so hot we decided to let Hade play in the waterfall
He had so much fun!
We got tickets to go pet the sting rays. I was so chicken! I didn't even want to stick my hand in. After all, one of these thing killed Steve Irwin.
Hayden wasn't afraid. He wanted to touch them. Or maybe he just wanted to play in the giant pool.
Daniel stuck his hand in but none of the stingrays came close enough for him to touch. :(
We went into a viewing tunnel with the sea lions above us. They were all napping but one was swimming by us.
Someone was a tad bit sleepy.
All zonked out
Everyone was taking a nap
They were so close you could touch them.
OMG! When you walked into the penguin exhibit it was SOOO COLD! Hayden had fallen asleep before we went in and woke right up cause it was so cold!
The puffins were so cute!

Hayden's first time on a carousel. He was fascinated by the lights and the music.
Waving hi to Daddy!

Grizzly bear
After we were all done at the zoo we went and checked into our hotel and just cooled down. It was so hot outside. Our room was kind of tiny but Hayden loved it because he could walk all over and there was a full sized mirror that went down to his level! The bed was higher than our bed so everytime he went to slide off he ended up on his bum. After we cooled down a bit we went somewhere very special to Hayden!

Staring at himself in the mirror.
We were trying to get a good picture but Hayden got to antsy and started splashing
He loved splashing and watching the other kids in the pool
I was trying to get him to kick his legs
Such a cutie! He absolutely loved being in the pool. We were in there for over 45 min and when we got out he was sooo mad.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Our first family vacation

So excited!! We will be leaving for our very first family only vacation in 2 days! We will be going to St.Louis for a whole weekend! We will be visiting the zoo, the City Museum, the hotel pool. LOL I can not wait to see how Hayden reacts to the animals at the zoo. Beware for when we come back there will be LOTS for you to peruse!!